Vuforeal Project

Get Observer Object Reference

Regardless of what method you are using to create and activate a tracking feature, you’ll always get access to the Vuforia Observer Object. Remember to save a reference to the observer so you can control its activity and retrieve the pose info.

Get Vuforeal ImageObserver #

There is a section dedicated to the Image Tracking feature in Vuforeal, where you can find all the details and info about how to use the feature, create an observer, and get observations.

Vuforeal Image Tracking and Vuforeal Cloud Image Tracking

ImageObserver can be created, either for a local database target using the Vuforeal ImageObserver Comp and the Vuforeal ImageObserver Factory, or for a cloud database target using the Vuforeal ImageCloudRecoComp

Using Vuforeal ImageObserver Comp #

With the Vuforeal ImageObserver Comp, you can create and activate image tracking via the automatic route or a manual route:

Automatic creation #

Each ImageObserver Comp has its own Observer object, so when using automatic creation we take care of creating the ImageObserver under the hood, and all you need to do is to get the ImageObserver object directly from the ActorComponent:

Make sure, before you call any specific Observer function, that the Observer is Available and ready:

Manual Creation #

In the Vuforeal ImageObserver Comp manual creation route, you usually call the “Create Vuforeal Image Observer” function which will output a reference to the ImageObserver Object:

Using Vuforeal ImageObserver Factory #

When using the ImageObserver Factory custom K2Node, you’ll also get a reference to the ImageObserver object in the output pin:

Using Vuforeal ImageCloudReco Comp #

When using the cloud reco feature, you can create an Image Observer to track one of the cloud image targets. In the Vuforeal plugin this is done using the function “Create Observer for Current Cloud Target”. This function will output a reference of the ImageObserver object:

Get Vuforeal ModelObserver #

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