As mentioned before this plugin is not finished nor released on the Marketplace, so you need to manually add the plugin to your Project or the Engine, to do so you need to:
- Download the Vuforeal Plugins Zip file from this link:
- Extract the downloaded file, you should get a Vuforeal folder with the following content:
- Vuforeal
- Binaries
- Config
- Content
- Intermediate
- Resources
- Shaders
- Sources
- Vuforeal.uplugin
- Vuforeal
- Copy the entire Vuforeal folder to either your: Project directory or Engine directory.
Choose Project or Engine depending on if you want the plugin to be available for just the current project or for any project you create with the Unreal Engine version you chose. The Plugin should work with either a BP-only project or with a code project.
Project directory:
This should be copied into the “Plugins” folder inside your Project folder; if you don’t have the “Plugins” folder yet, you should create one:
- UnrealProject
- Binaries
- Config
- Content
- Intermediate
- Plugins
- Vuforeal
- Saved
- UnrealProject.uproject
Engine directory:
When the plugin is released on the Marketplace, it will be installed in the “Marketplace” folder inside the “Plugins” folder in your Engine Directory, so to avoid confusion we recommend that you manually copy the plugin to the same folder, and if you don’t have the “Marketplace” folder yet you should create one.
- UE 5.3
- Engine
- Plugins
- Marketplace
- Vuforeal
- Marketplace
- Plugins
- FeaturePacks
- Samples
- Templates
- Engine
- Enable the Plugin for your project; by default, the plugin is not set to be EnabledByDefault, this is why after copying the Vuforeal Plugin:
- Open your project and navigate to Edit –> Plugins in the Unreal Editor Menu bar.
- In the Plugins Editor, search for Vuforeal, Enable the plugin, and Restart the project.